Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mid-Term With Mutual Cooperation

The four word `EXAM’ is itself a small word but its meaning is horrified. Since my childhood I never feel tensioned and scared of with exams even my mother used to say: “I never see you studying seriously for the exams”. And that’s true the more I study the more I scared, so I enjoy the period of my exams.
        I passed three phases of my life that is School, Collage, and now in University. The first midterm I passed in my school life and now in Jinnah University. But I feel vast differences in both mid-terms. The school Terms created a feeling of some thing like a War and if we some how got failed we would be killed but here in Jinnah University Mid-Term is something like a chatting room where every student used to give their papers with mutual cooperation. Interestingly, the Mid-Term of Miss Sabeen unable the students to do their paper with mutual consultation ,in fact after sitting head to head. Because her paper is based on personal opinions and I think it’s the best way of conducting exams. This will help the students to be more practical and insist them to share their hidden talents; on the other hand, I must say it’s a healthy style of teaching.


  1. nice work yaar.. i agree you mam sabeen's paper won't allow any of us to show our mutual corporation your pics and designs =)
